Gno by Example: Build gnodev and gnokey

Gnolang comes with cli tool suites to interact with the chain.

$ git clone

To build cli tools suites, clone gno repo and build it.

$ cd ./gno
$ make install
Installing gnodev
go install ./cmd/gnodev
Installing gnokey
go install ./cmd/gnokey

gnodev which provides multiple utilities to develop in Gnolang.

$ gnodev --help
available subcommands:
  build - build a gno package
  precompile - precompile .gno to .go
  test - test a gno package
  repl - start a GnoVM REPL

gnokey to create key, sign/broadcast transactions and make RPC queries.

$ gnokey --help
available subcommands:
  add - add key to keybase
  delete - delete key from keybase
  generate - generate a new private key
  list - list all known keys
  sign - sign a document
  verify - verify a document signature
  broadcast - broadcast a signed document
  query - make an ABCI query
  maketx - compose a tx document to sign

Now that we can interact to gno with our local setup, let’s learn more about gno.

Next example: Interact with Chain.